As a teacher I have worked at both ends of the spectrum from a disadvantaged coastal academy to a successful grammar school. For the last four years I have worked full time as a private tutor which has led me to develop these resources and ultimately the website.

The resources are made to be easy for students to access and use but with teachers and tutors in mind.

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Note booklets and Questions

Each note booklet covers the exam required knowledge including clear definitions and bright diagrams. The topic booklets are accompanied by a booklet of previous exams questions for that specific knowledge area. All questions are referenced and question booklets have an accompanying mark scheme so they can be self-marked by the students or teacher marked.

All resources and booklets are in an easy to print format.

One-a-week Tasks

The one-a-week tasks are a lovely activity that really helps with retention and recall. I have specifically included questions on topics that students regularly lose marks on in exams.

The one-a-week tasks are designed for either homework or a short classroom activity that can be easily fixed into a book if required. They have been staggered to fit the progression through the syllabus throughout the school year.

Six-mark-question activities

The six-mark-question activities are all past paper questions referenced to their exam boards and each question has its own mark scheme.

More coming…

As the website develops more resources will be added regularly. I welcome any feedback and suggestions you may have. Also, while every effort has been made to prevent typos/errors some will undoubtably have slipped through, if you come across any please do let me know so it can be rectified.

“sapiens qui prospicit”

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